Wednesday, May 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 2

Well, as I predicted, life got in the way on Day 2. More specifically, I let life get in the way. DH came home (YAY!) and I promptly headed out on a 2 mile run, by myself. :) It felt glorious and I ran well. But that was all I made time for yesterday. It was Ladies Night Out and we had a trip planned to the Melting Pot. Luckily, the food there is not terrible unhealthy and since I had ran, I was well within my caloric goal for the day.

I also had a WONDERFUL morning with some great time to myself. I woke up at 0630 (sorry, Kate, I slept through your text) and had coffee, did a crossword puzzle, cleaned up the kitchen, and did some laundry before the kids woke up.

Here's hoping my body can handle Day 3, did I mention how sore my legs are?

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