Friday, May 31, 2013


I was absolutely thrilled when I saw today's WOD. It was Jackie.

1000m Row
50 Thrusters at 45#
30 Pull-ups

You're probably thinking, "That's it?" Yes, that was it. About 15 minutes of awesomeness. Due to the number of people in our class, I opted to start with Thrusters. So mine looked more like this.

50 Thrusters at 45#
30 Pull-ups (jumping pullups off the 12" box)
1000m Row

My time was 14:12. It would have been so much faster if I could just master the pull-ups. But, I was very pleased. The prescribed weight, in our box, for women was only 35#. I knew I could do 45# and I was very pleased to complete that.

The thruster looks like this:
It's a combination of front squat and a push press. Luckily, we did some of these on Tuesday and I learned the value of going past parallel on the squat. 

Pull-ups are the bane of my existence lately. I'm still jumping off the box. When I use the band, I can do the kipping motion, I just don't quite get high enough. This is my new focus. I really want to do kipping pullups, with the band, by my birthday. 6 weeks to go, I know I can do it.

The row machine is one of my favorite parts. Its a lot like running, I can pace myself well, turn on the speed in the last 250m and let my mind wander.

I can't wait to do "Jackie" again in the coming months when I can improve my time and do those pullups!

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