Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Crafting

As most of you know, I get a lot of great ideas from Pinterest. Anyone who uses Pinterest knows how easy it is to sit on the computer and "pin" things you intend to do. I decided I would actually DO the things I pinned! So, I ordered green felt and a package of multi-colored craft felt online from Joanns (can you believe the closest sewing/fabric/craft store is an hour away!) Then we made a Christmas tree that the kids can decorate and redecorate, and redecorate as many times as they want. They loved this idea! We hung it on the wall in their playroom with a few small nails and they went to town. Such a fun activity for them, that will hopefully keep them away from the real tree.

I snagged this latch hook rug kit from someone at our old post and kept telling myself there was no point in starting it until we moved. I started this the week after Thanksgiving and was really hoping it would be done in time to enjoy this season. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and very glad that I bought enough stick binding to iron the rough edges down. Its by the front door now, and I'm not sure if the kids or Delilah love it more. We've discovered Delilah doesn't like the tile floors and finds any blanket/rug/discarded clothing available to sleep on.

Stay tuned for more homemade crafts as the season continues!

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